How to travel amidst COVID19?

Ruwan 14Temple toothCC BY-SA 4.0

COVID 19 has taken the world by storm and out of the many industries that have been drastically affected, the industry of tourism has restained a huge scar that will take ages to recover. As we are embracing the new normal and, here are few tips to travel during this pandemic.

Deciding where to visit

Most of the countries and independent regions which were closed for tourism are now gradually opening up around the world. But still, some regions practice regulations that restrict tourists from entering. So, you will have to double-check on the destination that you are planning to visit and you will have to do some research up to which extents their restrictions are being practised. However, most of the touristy regions around the globe are slowly starting to receive tourists with improved hygiene practices. You can find more details of which regions are operational by vising blog sites the likes of Kandy escapes – for it states the city of Kandy in Sri Lanka – a popular tourist destination is getting ready to receive tourists.

Getting a test

Many nations that are have started receiving tourists, request for a test to be taken by the traveller at least a minimum of two days before arrival. Some countries even request for the reports to be attached with the visa application forms. So, you must get tested before visiting any countries.

Comply with the laws

Some of the governments also request travellers to get a COVID 19 test as soon as they arrive at their country and even self quarantining themselves for an up to 14 days. Kandy escapes – a popular blog site states that most of the resort establishments around Sri Lanka offer facilities for self quarantining and they offer special discounts and personalized packages for your extended stays as well. Wearing masks have also been made compulsory around urban regions so, do thorough research before getting out and about your resort establishment.

Avoid red zones

If you are aware of the severity of the disease and if you have been following the news properly, this might come in as a no brainer, but unfortunately, if you are not, health and safety regulatory bodies have marked certain areas around their counties as red zones, moderate zones and safe zones, their classification can also be seen using apps such as Google maps and other navigation applications so if you are palling to a region that goes through a red zone take diversion – use a different route that I will take you around this particular region even if it costs you more, the countermeasure you have just taken will save yours and countless of other people's lives.
Follow proper hygiene practices

By now you must be well aware of the do's and don'ts when it comes to health and safety practices about COVID 19 but let's take a refresher... You will have to occasionally wash your hands or clean them using a hand sanitizer whenever you touch a foreign object. You should also wear a mask at all times and the mask you wear should preferably be a surgical mask, a mask with carbon and microfilter or should be a KN95. Do remember that cloth masks and bandanas won't be able to obstruct you inhaling the contagion particles. Refrain from touching strangers or getting into direct contact with them by any means and be at a distance of at least 1 meter from others.

If you follow these instructions carefully you could drastically reduce your risk of contracting COVID 19 and your travel experience will equally be blissful as it was before the pandemic.a


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